The AboutPharma Digital Awards represent the most important award in Italy dedicated to projects that enhance digital implementation in healthcare

Projects conceived or developed by the following can apply for the award:


Wellness, prevention, quality of life

Purpose: To promote the well-being of citizens, as well as foster primary and secondary disease prevention, and to improve the quality of life for patients and their caregivers.

Examples: Projects that promote physical and mental well-being and a healthy lifestyle; projects that measure the state of well-being, identify risk factors, and facilitate their correction; projects that improve disease management by patients and their caregivers. Projects that measure PROs (Patient Reported Outcomes) and their significance. Among others, this category also includes primary prevention projects targeting students and citizens without diagnosed diseases, secondary prevention projects for patients with chronic conditions, and projects that improve the quality of life for patients and their caregivers.

Communication towards healthcare professionals

Purpose: Communicate a company’s activities related to disease awareness, therapeutic offerings, or overall corporate philosophy to healthcare professionals (HCPs), including doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, and other professionals involved in healthcare.

Examples: Disease awareness projects, Broad-spectrum education initiatives on digital health topics, Projects aimed at raising HCP awareness on topics relevant to their clinical practice, Projects that highlight sustainability (economic and environmental) or other key topics of national interest for HCPs.

This category encompasses all forms of multichannel communication, such as: video, podcasts, and moviemaking, public relations (PR) and brand storytelling, mobile and apps marketing, insight and market research, data-driven marketing, content marketing, branded experiences and events, search marketing, social media marketing, sponsorship and partner marketing. Text and audiovisual content can be developed traditionally or through generative artificial intelligence.

Projects already submitted in categories such as “Improving patient care & healthcare offer” and “Supporting the medical profession” are also eligible in this category, particularly when communication through social media or other digital channels is a dominant aspect of the project.

Supporting the medical profession

Purpose: Support medical professionals, including specialists and general practitioners (GPs), in optimizing their clinical practice and daily responsibilities.

Examples: Decision-support software and algorithms to assist in prescribing medications and using medical devices, Digital technologies to facilitate diagnosis, including diagnostic tools and platforms, Clinical practice management programs to streamline administrative tasks and improve efficiency, Digital tools for recognizing and managing drug side effects, reducing the administrative burden of clinical practice through automation and digital solutions, Improvement of physician-patient and physician-family communication, enhancing clarity and empathy, Projects leveraging artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual assistants, and other innovative technologies to support medical professionals

Clinical and Preclinical Research

Purpose: To facilitate and foster clinical and preclinical research through digital tools that support the design, execution, and writing of protocols and manuscripts for clinical studies in the broadest sense: randomized clinical trials, observational studies, real-world data from wearables, decentralized trials, synthetic data, in silico trials, and any other type of study.

Examples: Projects that facilitate one or more aspects of a clinical study: study design, ethical committee approval, funding, patient recruitment, treatment administration, data collection and analysis, and manuscript writing and presentation. Specifically, projects that use digital tools, artificial intelligence and other innovative solutions for processing big data and advanced analytics, synthetic data processing, remote monitoring, models and simulations, digital biobanks, integration of clinical data from various sources, real-time sharing of results, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data security and privacy, etc.

All types of preclinical and clinical research are included (for example, traditional and innovative trials such as RCTs, observational studies, real-world data, decentralized trials, virtual trials, etc.), as well as studies on digital medicines, digital therapeutics, and all other digital health technologies

Engagement and empowerment of the corporate team

Purpose: To promote and encourage the digital transformation of corporate structures and their various departments within life science industries, hospitals, and other healthcare entities, through people-focused projects that may involve some or all of the company functions.

Examples: Projects that use innovative technologies to appropriately engage different internal and external stakeholders, facilitate interaction between various corporate functions, and optimize internal resources and their management. Projects promoting digital knowledge and culture; training programs using innovative technologies; projects adopting distinctive approaches to topics relevant to the company in order to create and develop staff engagement. Wide-ranging change management projects focused on some or all company functions

Artificial Intelligence for communication, education, training

Purpose: Implement various forms of artificial intelligence to facilitate and optimize communication in the healthcare sector among all stakeholders, to develop new training and educational projects, or to enhance existing ones.

Examples: Projects that utilize one or more forms of artificial intelligence to improve one or more aspects related to training and communication in the healthcare field, across all possible areas, including (non-exhaustive list):

  • Intra-company communication at all levels.
  • Company training at all levels.
  • Communication between company staff (medical affairs, marketing, sales, market access, and other client-facing functions) and healthcare professionals.
  • Peer-to-peer communication among clinicians and between clinicians and other professionals.
  • Doctor-patient communication and all forms of communication between professionals and citizens.
  • Physicians and other healthcare professionals training.
  • Communication and training from a One Health perspective
Digital Health Partnership

Purpose: Promote partnerships between life science industries and other stakeholders in the healthcare landscape, such as startups, scientific societies, foundations, patient associations, institutions, universities, and research institutes, and any other public or private entities.

Examples: Projects that promote the activities of startup companies through funding, acquisitions, and other forms of partnership; public-private and private-private partnerships to promote digital health; projects developed within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR); public awareness projects on crucial topics for the country’s healthcare system; wide-ranging educational projects on digital health topics where the combination of expertise from two or more industrial partners or public administration plays a key role; partnership projects as defined by the 17th Sustainable Development Goal of the WHO. The project description should highlight the importance and key characteristics of the partnership in the development and implementation of the project.

Patient engagement and advocacy

Purpose: To improve the overall management of diseases through engagement and/or advocacy actions across all phases of patient journey: screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.

Examples: Projects that help patients understand their disease and improve its management; projects that promote a lifestyle appropriate to the patient’s clinical condition; tools for training and/or managing their condition for patients, families, and caregivers, aimed at resolving the disease or improving the prognosis; projects that help patients receive optimal healthcare. The projects can target both patients and their caregivers, as well as other stakeholders

Communication towards institutions

Purpose: To communicate activities related to disease awareness, therapeutic offerings, and corporate philosophy in a broad sense to healthcare institutions, payers, and other governance entities relevant to human and animal health.

Examples: Projects that raise awareness among institutions about topics of crucial importance for the country’s healthcare system and/or specific issues such as rare diseases, disabilities, etc.; projects focused on economic and environmental sustainability and other corporate projects centered on ESG; disease awareness projects; raising payers’ awareness of health needs and the availability of innovative technologies that can reduce healthcare costs and/or ensure optimal care; and raising institutions’ awareness of current or impending issues, as well as prevention policies from which society and the healthcare system can benefit.

All types of multichannel communication are included. For example: videos, podcasts and moviemaking, PR and brand storytelling, mobile and apps marketing, insights and market research, data-driven marketing, content marketing, branded experiences and events, search marketing, social media, sponsorships, and partner marketing. Textual and audiovisual content can be developed traditionally or through the use of generative artificial intelligence.

Projects submitted under the category “ESG Projects” are also eligible to be submitted to this category when the communication aspects of the project, through social and other digital channels, are predominant

Improving patient care & healthcare offer

Purpose: To promote effective and efficient treatment of diseases by doctors, pharmacists, other HCPs, and payers. To optimize access to new therapeutic solutions and services for citizens and patients at every stage of the patient journey by facilitating availability and access to diagnostic and care facilities and improving the follow-up and overall management of diseases.

Examples: Projects that leverage digital technology to improve patient care through better disease identification, optimized diagnosis, the management and follow-up of drug therapies, and the use of medical devices. Projects promoting the value of healthcare technology from an HTA (Health Technology Assessment) perspective. Collaborative projects involving clinicians, payers, and patients. Projects aimed at quantifying budget spending at various levels (hospital, local health authority, region, etc.). Specific examples include: projects applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to diagnosis and therapy; use of remote monitoring technologies, augmented reality, virtual reality, simulation, 3D printing, and blockchain; projects adapting technologies from other sectors to medical issues; use of advanced therapies, digital medicines, digital therapeutics, and other technologies focused specifically on patient care


Purpose: To implement telemedicine solutions in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, benefiting doctors, other healthcare professionals, patients, payers, institutions, etc.

Examples: All projects that use one or more forms of telemedicine (teleconsultation, telehealth, telecare, etc.) for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and monitoring, including: projects that help ensure better quality of care by guaranteeing continuity of care, greater effectiveness, efficiency, appropriateness, and equity of access to healthcare (e.g., in rural and remote areas), and support for drug therapy to improve medication compliance. Projects that assist patients in the therapeutic process and reduce adverse drug events, as well as all other activities where telemedicine plays an important role in improving the quality of care. Any other project in which telemedicine is a key component for success

Lifescience industry’s digital transformation

Purpose: To enhance business processes through digital transformation and 4.0 enabling technologies within the Life Science supply chain across all functional areas (including planning, logistics, production, supply chain, quality assurance, laboratories, regulatory, clinical, pharmacovigilance, safety) of healthcare companies, from research and development to production and distribution, all the way to the point of use in healthcare facilities. The goal is to achieve greater competitiveness, flexibility, sustainability, compliance, productivity, speed, and reliability of the processes, ultimately benefiting patients.

Examples: Digital transformation projects aimed at improving business processes:

  • Vertical and horizontal integration of digital systems and 4.0 enabling technologies, automation of machinery, devices, tools, sensors for the collection and processing of production/logistics/quality parameters.
  • Dynamic planning and scheduling of initiatives, products, projects, and resources, e.g., for production, laboratories, research.
  • Paperless production management and execution, integrated with machinery/sensor networks and other management systems (including ERP, LIMS, QMS, WMS).
  • Automation of business processes and documents or business process & content management.
  • Logistics and material handling using collaborative robots, automatic warehouses, IoT, etc.
  • Management of analytical laboratories (LIMS/LES/ELN), both for research and quality control.
  • Management and analysis of scientific data from discovery through execution of analyses in research labs.
  • Collection, archiving, and analysis of big data for predictive and adaptive analyses.
  • Asset management using innovative tracking tools, including real-time data collection and location, predictive maintenance analysis, etc.

Use of cutting edge technologies, including:

Multitenant cloud (maintenance, serialization, quality assurance, pharmacovigilance, regulatory, production); machine learning and artificial intelligence for data interpretation, decision support for operators and managers; blockchain for distribution traceability, drug sample management for physicians, information sharing with partners and end users; digital twin and simulation for facility and utility design, production and logistics planning scenarios, process optimization; additive manufacturing or 3D printing; collaborative robots for optimizing line operations; augmented and virtual reality, wearable devices, and voice recognition for integration in design, maintenance support, procedure execution, training, etc.

Artificial Intelligence for clinical practice

Purpose: Implement artificial intelligence in projects that assist specialists in their clinical practice, from disease diagnosis to treatment planning, monitoring, and throughout all stages of the patient journey.

Examples: Projects that use one or more forms of artificial intelligence to assist specialists in all aspects of their clinical practice, including (non-exhaustive list):

  • Development of prevention programs.
  • Facilitation of medical consultations, from clinical history to reporting.
  • Use of diagnostic tools in all forms: laboratory diagnostics, ultrasound, imaging, CT scans, MRI.
  • Therapy planning.
  • Therapy monitoring, in both acute and chronic phases.
  • Management of actions that can improve patient prognosis.
  • Any other situation where artificial intelligence can be useful in improving healthcare delivery and services
Communication towards citizens and patients

Purpose: Communicate a company’s activities related to disease awareness, therapeutic offerings, or overall corporate philosophy to patients and their associations, citizens, and students of all educational levels.

Examples: Projects focused on rising public awareness on topics of crucial national interest, as well as specific areas such as rare diseases, disabilities, and more. These also include initiatives that promote digital culture in healthcare, educational programs on digital health topics, and wellness and disease awareness campaigns.

The scope includes all forms of multichannel communication. For instance: video, podcast, and moviemaking, public relations (PR) and brand storytelling, mobile and apps marketing, insight and market research, data-driven marketing, content marketing, branded experiences and events, search marketing, social media marketing, sponsorship and partner marketing. textual and audiovisual content can be developed traditionally or through the use of generative artificial intelligence.

Projects in this category may also overlap with initiatives from the “Wellness, prevention, quality of life”, “Improving patient care and healthcare offer” and “Patient engagement and advocacy categories, particularly when communication aspects via social media and other digital channels are predominant.

Updating and training of clinicians

Purpose: To support clinicians, both specialists and general practitioners (GPs), in their continuous education roadmap and in learning new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and technologies.

Examples: Projects that utilize innovative tools (e.g., virtual meetings, augmented reality, simulations, big data analysis, the metaverse, artificial intelligence, etc.) to assist doctors in their training. In particular, projects that enhance doctors’ understanding of key digital health tools, improve their knowledge of the latest diagnostic and therapeutic developments, optimize compliance with regulations, improve doctors’ understanding of the socio-economic and healthcare impact of their decisions, enhance expertise in their therapeutic area and/or soft skills, and promote effective collaboration between GPs and specialists, as well as between doctors and other stakeholders

Pharmacies and pharmacists’ projects

Purpose: To support the digitalization of both community and hospital pharmacies and their operational management, facilitate the continuous education of community and/or hospital pharmacists, and provide tools to support their profession while implementing service-based pharmacy models.

Examples: Projects that implement innovative drug distribution practices; promote e-commerce; facilitate pharmacy management in all its aspects; and promote the role of service-based pharmacies. Projects that support the management activities of both community and hospital pharmacists. Projects that reduce risks related to drug management, particularly in hospitals. Projects that promote effective collaboration with healthcare managers, doctors, and caregivers, and that facilitate the understanding of key digital health tools. Projects that promote the culture of compounding (galenic preparations) with an innovative approach. Projects that promote the One Health culture and assist pharmacists involved in animal health in collaborating with veterinarians and other stakeholders to optimize the health of companion animals

Animal Health

Purpose: To promote the development of innovative solutions for the animal world (both companion animals and livestock), by involving various stakeholders engaged in animal health, including veterinarians, farmers, pharmacists, pet owners, large retail companies, and institutions.

Examples: Projects leveraging digital technologies to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting both companion animals and livestock. Use of innovative tools and languages for updating, training, and supporting the veterinary profession. Public awareness initiatives on topics such as animal care and pet therapy, pharmacist training in animal health, raising awareness among citizens, institutions, and payers about animal health issues. Projects fostering professional synergy between healthcare professionals, particularly between veterinarians and pharmacists. One Health projects that combine human, animal, and environmental health.

Textual and audiovisual content can be developed traditionally or through the use of generative artificial intelligence

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Projects

Purpose: Leverage digital technologies broadly to improve a company’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance, or that of a healthcare facility or institution, to achieve greater operational efficiency, enhanced corporate reputation, better adaptability to future sustainability challenges, and increased investor confidence.

Examples: Projects aimed at improving the ESG performance of a company, healthcare facility, or institution where digital plays a significant role. Potential examples include:

  • Environmental monitoring and reduction of environmental impact: management of energy usage, resource optimization, emission reduction, and pollution monitoring.
  • Transparency and communication: use of digital channels such as the company website, social media, and ESG reporting platforms to share information regarding policies, actions, and progress on environmental, social, and governance topics.
  • Stakeholder engagement, including employees, customers, suppliers, and investors, in ESG initiatives through digital interactions.
  • Social innovation: for example, online platforms for crowdfunding, creating partnerships with non-profit organizations or institutions to address specific social issues.
  • Diversity and inclusion: monitoring staff diversity, offering online training on cultural sensitivity, and promoting an inclusive work environment.
  • Governance and transparency: projects that facilitate the traceability of decisions, thereby improving accountability and overall corporate governance.

Reporting and performance evaluation to collect data from various sources, calculate sustainability indicators, and generate accurate and timely ESG reports for investors and other stakeholders

Artificial Intelligence for company excellence

Purpose: Implement various forms of artificial intelligence in projects that improve business performance at all levels and across all departments.

Examples: Projects that use one or more forms of artificial intelligence to improve one or more aspects of overall business performance, within different company departments such as R&D, Operations, Medical Affairs, Marketing, Communication, Market Access, Regulatory, HR, Legal & Compliance, Pharmacovigilance, Management, etc. Examples include:

  • Use of artificial intelligence for talent selection, marketing plan preparation, pharmacovigilance, medical-scientific documentation service, user query management, preparation of promotional materials, engagement of various company departments, performance monitoring, warehouse management, etc.

The application forms will be available starting from October 3, 2024. Projects can be submitted until December 6, 2024.

In order to facilitate the work of the jury and the selection from among the candidate projects, the format of the presentation should reflect the following scheme:

  • Reference scenario
  • Project rationale
  • Project objectives and targets
  • Project characteristics and timeframe (describing the originality of the approach, how well and how quickly the project was carried out and the results planned or achieved, and indicating the project start date)
  • Results, even preliminary, at the time of submission of the application. If available, attach links to publications of your achievements.

Projects that participated in previous editions of the Digital Awards are also eligible, except for the winning projects in the last two editions. In the case of resubmission of previous winners, it is important to specify the evolutionary characteristics of the new submission compared to the original project.


For the first time in the history of the AboutPharma Digital Awards, we will present the Best Company Awards, dedicated to pharmaceutical and medical device companies that have distinguished themselves for their ability to develop highly innovative activities and projects.


Awards will be given to companies demonstrating a high level of innovation across various areas and business activities.

All pharmaceutical and medical device companies that have submitted at least three projects in three different main categories at the 12th edition of the AboutPharma Digital Awards can participate in the selection for the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards for the Best Company. These companies should demonstrate strong innovation across multiple business levels (R&D, production, regulatory, quality, medical affairs, marketing, communication, HR, etc.).

For this edition, no overall presentation of the company’s digital assets is required. However, it is important that the presentation of each project is thorough in terms of the KPIs achieved, to help the jury in their evaluation.



During the most recent editions of the AboutPharma Digital Awards, we gathered important insights on the therapeutic areas where digital innovation projects are focused. For the first time in the history of the AboutPharma Digital Awards, we will award the Best Company in the most relevant therapeutic areas for digital innovation.

Based on the data from previous editions, here is the preliminary list of areas for which companies will be awarded. The final list will be compiled shortly after the submission deadline, and all participants will be promptly informed.

  • Best Company – Oncology – Hematology
  • Best Company – Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Best Company – Neurology – Mental Health
  • Best Company – Infectious Diseases
  • Best Company – Women’s Health
  • Best Company – Rheumatology – Orthopedics – Pain
  • Best Company – Respiratory Diseases – Allergology
  • Best Company – Dermatology
  • Best Company – Endocrinology – Diabetes – Obesity
  • Best Company – Nephrology – Urology – Men’s Health
  • Best Company – Gastroenterology – Nutritional Sciences
  • Best Company – Ophthalmology
  • Best Company – Rare Diseases


To compete for the Best Digital Agency award, at least three projects must have been submitted in three different categories of the AboutPharma Digital Awards.
Eligible projects include:

  • Projects directly submitted by the agency
  • Projects submitted by another entity (e.g., a pharmaceutical or medical device company) where the agency is listed as a project partner alongside the submitting entity

Agencies interested in participating are required to submit a presentation in ppt and pdf format (maximum 10 slides), describing the agency’s activity, including:

  • Brief agency profile
  • List of all projects submitted
  • Description of the agency’s key characteristics (e.g., local or multinational company, creativity, data insight expertise, ESG characteristics, etc.)
  • Awards and recognitions
  • Any other elements considered important for the jury’s evaluation.


For each project submitted, the participation fee is €370 + VAT.

If a project is submitted in two or more categories, the cost for each additional category is €270 + VAT.

The participation fee for the Best Digital Agency award is €1,200 + VAT.

The registration of a project in any category entitles the company to 1 invitation to the awards ceremony. Registration for the Best Digital Agency award entitles the company to 3 invitations to the awards ceremony.

Note: Only one registration form needs to be completed for each project, even if the project is competing in multiple categories.

For more information, please contact


Idea: the originality of the idea and the innovativeness of the approach are assessed. It is essential to indicate in the presentation whether the project is an original idea of the Italian team or is a development/adaptation of a project that originated internationally.

Action: the project’s good execution is assessed with particular reference to the ability to involve all stakeholders and the compliance with the predefined timeframe.

Results: the achievement of project objectives is evaluated.

The identification of the evidence for the three evaluation criteria (idea, action, results) is left to the free choice of the applicant who submits the project.

In this edition, for all projects that aim to improve the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life of specific diseases, applicants will be asked to indicate the therapeutic area(s) covered by the project. This will allow the jury to evaluate the applications even more accurately on the basis of the intrinsic characteristics of the project.

Below are some examples of results evaluation parameters in the different categories:

  • Tangible indicators of improvement in vocational training
  • Indices of improvement in clinical practice (facilitation of diagnosis, improvement of adherence to therapy, improvement of patients’ quality of life, facilitation of caregiver tasks)
  • Disease-specific results (improved management of common diseases such as diabetes, COPD, ischaemic heart disease or rare diseases)
  • Socio-health and/or economic improvements (speeding up administrative procedures, reducing the number of hospitalisations, reducing the costs of managing a disease, etc.)
  • Other project performance indicators

For projects in which the digital component of target audience engagement is relevant, it is recommended to indicate benchmark KPIs for websites, apps, social networks

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